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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Recuay, Catac, & Ticapampa

Today, the team from Ebenezer Baptist Church in Hillsborough, N. C. will begin their journey to Lima, and tomorrow to Huaraz. They will be teaching in various communities near Recuay the following week. They request you pray for:
* Safe travel up the mountain by bus  & in the van around Recuay
* Bible study,  "Who is Jesus? "
* Share the gospel boldly
* Ministering to the youth and children
* Good health & stamina to walk up in the mountains
* Ministry encounters:  God will lead us to the right people

Pray for Earl, Phillip, Rene’, Paul, Robert, Margaret, Philip and David as they share the Word, as well as their interpreters Yolanda, Anibal and Erick.
(Pictured above is Ps. Victor Trujillo preaching on the mountainside.)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

First, We Pray

As we begin what we consider to be the busier time of the year, I am asking for you to pray for our U.S. teams who are serving here in the Huaylas Valley. These churches and individuals have made a huge commitment, both personal and financial. Some sacrifice a great deal to come 3 or 4 times a year.

Ingleside Church, Macon, GA – led by David serving in Santa Cruz, Huaylas and Macate
South Fork Association,  Lincolnton, NC – led by Ken, Bartley & Krystle serving in Caraz
FBC Jesup, GA – led by Mike & Creston in Yungay
Ebenezer BC, Hillsborough, NC  – led by Phillip and RenĂ© serving in Recuay and the surrounding area.
Lifepoint Church and partnering with them The Ridge Church & Chillicothe BC in Ohio - led by Jonathan, Steve and Shane - serving in Tapacocha, Cotaparaco & Pararin

Also lift up Colonial Heights Baptist Church (Ridgeland, MS), a team from my home area. They are led by long time partners, Randy and Gene.
Pray for:
1. Continued guidance by the Holy Spirit in their efforts.
2. Wisdom as they plan and execute the necessary strategy to reach and disciple the lost.
3. Deeper relationships with their Peruvian partners and leaders

I know these folks will appreciate your prayers.
Please share this with your praying brothers and sisters in Christ.
Dios bedicishunki!