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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Semester Missionaries in Recuay

This week in the Huaylas Valley we welcomed 2 young ladies and their translator who will be serving in Recuay until early December. They will continue the work of the summer missionaries and look for new opportunities.
Pray for Becca and Meagan and their translator Carmen as they adjust to the new culture. Also pray for them to build relationships with the adults and children as they make disciples.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lifepoint and Chillicothe

Today a team of 5 and their translators are making their way to the Cordillera Negra. They will be serving in Pararin, Tapacocha and Cotaparaco for the next few days. This will be a vision trip of sorts for the group from Chillicothe. Pray for Jonathan, Carly, Charles, Cole and Terry as well as their translators Javier and Jerry. Pray they will connect with the people and identify more people hungering for God. Pray for the Chillicothe team as they learn the culture and seek to determine if these places are where God wants them to serve.
(above is a photo of the mountains in the area)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Carhuaz ~ Universal City and National Partners

Tonight a team from FBC-Universal City, TX arrived in Carhuaz. They will be serving alongside national partners from the Church in Lima and Carhuaz. A number of translators will be assisting them for the next 5 days. While there they will split into 10 groups to evangelize and assist with the local food program. Universal City has been working in this area for several years and is now in the process of passing the ministry off to local Believers.
Pray that the local Believers will catch the vision and continue the ministry without outside assistance.
(Shown above is a dance group at one of the many fiestas and below are some of the translators that will be serving.)