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Saturday, January 28, 2012

2012 Conference Recap

I am happy to report that this years conference was a success! Believers came from the coast, mountains and jungle to be fed, to learn and be encouraged. We are thankful for many things but especially:
1. Dr. Joselito Orellana and Dr. David Sills (a fellow Mississippian) who met the challenge of presenting the lessons in a manner that could be grasped by farmers and seminary graduates. Not an easy task.
2. Pastor Andrés Caller of La Iglesia Evangélica Centro Bautista and more than 40 of his flock who dedicated their hearts and many hours of their time. A number of them left their jobs to serve before and during the conference: planning, cooking, feeding, providing worship music and many other aspects of service.
3. To our translators - who bridged the language gap. They were and are an indispensable and incredible blessing.
4. Ingleside Baptist Church of Macon, GA., the sponsoring church in the U.S. - for also giving guidance, counseling, providing child care and for bathing the conference in prayer before and during the conference. They are a long-time partner yet still humble and willing to learn.
5. And we are thankful to Our Heavenly Father, for by & through Him, all things are possible!
(A highlight of the conference was the baptism of two new believers by Pastor Jaime, a true hero of the faith, pictured above.)
Thanks so much to those of you who prayed! I know there were many.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

7th Regional Conference

Excitement is building in anticipation of the annual conference this week. This is a time for learning but also encouragement to those who have chosen to break from their culture and follow Him. The team asks for prayers for the following:
1.      First and foremost, that the Lord would receive the glory and honor due Him—and Him alone;
2.      That through the conference, men and women, boys and girls, would be encouraged and their faith strengthened, and that they (II Tim. 2:2) would be equipped to teach others;
3.      That God would continue to clothe the Church in the Huaylas area, and beyond, with the full armor of God to enable it to stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Eph. 6:11);
4.      For Drs. Sills and Orellano and Pastor Andres (and the other speakers), that God would anoint their teaching and fill them w/ His Spirit;
5.      For traveling mercy, for unity and health among our group, for the fellowship time among the believers that it would be rich and joyful, restoring the soul; and
6.      For the translators, that their every word would be bathed in the Spirit of God, with His full anointing and power.
Thanks so much to those of you who are faithful in praying.
Pictured above are some of the people we will be serving, the speakers, our translators and some of the team members from Ingleside Baptist Church, Georgia. (Thanks to my son, Will Smith, for designing the composite.)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Manna Ministries

Pictured above is Pastor Wilmer, his son Daniel and wife Marisol along with translator Freddy and Tony of Manna Ministries.
Manna Ministries has been ministering in the Aija Valley since October of 2004 and Wilmer and family have been serving there since October of 2011. Tomorrow they will travel to visit the various churches and believers.
Wilmer asks that you pray for safe travel and good health in the days ahead. He travels the area on motorcycle and often the roads are difficult to negotiate. He also asks that you pray he will grow in wisdom as he leads the ministry there.