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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

To Santa Cruz, Huaylas and Macate

Later this week a team from Ingleside Church (Macon, GA.) will make their way to the end of the Huaylas Valley. After a day in Santa Cruz in the Cordillera Blanca some of us will travel to Macate in the Cordillera Negra. The team will minister in various ways in these places and will encourage the local pastors and leaders. The team has asked that you specifically pray for:

* Flexibility to deviate from their plans if God has other plans for this team
* Safe travel and good health
* Willingness to serve in any capacity that God asks of them
* The Holy Spirit to be upon each of them to give them power, boldness, and the words that the Lord wants them to speak
* Opportunities to witness
* For God to open the hearts of the Peruvians who will hear these messages and lead them to salvation and transformed lives - that those who are already believers would be encouraged in their walk with the Lord
* For the lost in Peru to come into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ
* That the families these men are leaving behind will feel the arms of the Lord carrying them during this trip and providing for all of their needs
*That the Lord will be glorified in all that these men say and do.

Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this mission through prayer. I know these men will feel covered and empowered through them. Glory to god! ~ Ingleside Team - May - 2011

(Ingleside Church has been a Strategy Coordinating Church for about 10 years. They have invested there lives and resources to reach the people of this area. If you believe your church is ready to "get out of the boat" please let me know. We at REAP North will assist you in finding a place to serve. Also, I know that Ingleside will be glad to share their experiences with you.)

1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo! Praying for you as you handle this group. Let me know if you have any trouble with them! :) Just kidding. I know they'll be a blessing. Great group of men!
