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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lifepoint to Cotoparaco, Tapacocha & Pararin

A team of  5 from Lifepoint Church of Delaware, OH will soon return to their place of ministry in the Cordillera Negra. Pray for Team Leader Jonathan, Brian, Megan, Ryan and Christine as they prepare and serve next week. Specifically they ask that you pray for:

NOW - :  Pray that God is preparing the hearts of the villagers to be open to hearing what He has in store for them next week.  Pray for the team that God is working to help us stay focused on Him and what He wants us to do….not that we do what we want.

Saturday: Safe travels as the team flies from Columbus to Washington DC to Miami and into Lima.  That the three flights line up with no delays getting into Lima.

Sunday: Safe travels on the 5-8 hour drive from Lima into the Andes Mountains.  For protection of the team from altitude illness and any other ailments.  That the villages would be excited and welcoming of us and accommodations are made for our first night.

Monday:  This is truly the first day that the team has in the villages.  Pray that God gives the team strength to share His message. Pray that He opens doors to allow us to share His message and that the team is responsive to what God wants us to do.  That people in the village are present and are available to listen and share.

Tuesday:  Pray that the team is listening to God and takes advantage of doors that He opens.  Pray that the children of the village warm up to the team quickly and want to engage in sporting events (soccer/volleyball).  That window allows the team share Bible Scripture and how God has impacted our lives.  Pray that God opens doors in the schools to let the team talk with teachers and students in an educational setting.

Wednesday:  Pray that God allows us to talk with the government officials in the villages of Tapacocha, Cotaporacho, and Pararin.  That God uses the team to encourage them, continue to build relationships, and point them towards God.

Also, pray for their translator, Luigi, as he serves with the team.

(Pictured above is Moises, Doris and family. Moises, a local school teacher, is currently leading the group of Believers in the area.)

1 comment:

  1. Tommy, thanks for stopping by my blog. May God bless you greatly in your efforts and give you strength for the tasks and wisdom in decisions. Praying also for your family there and back home. I know separation is difficult and God's grace is sufficient to meet all your needs yet love has difficulty expressing itself with long distance hugs. May the Holy Spirit fill each place you go and may each step be blessed with increase for the Kingdom. hariette petersen
